Monday 28 January 2013

Children abducted by UFO in Dublin

Two children were abducted from the Clondalkey area by two aliens yesterday. According to eyewitnesses, one was green with one eye, the other looked like a cross between R2-D2 and a Dalek. Their parents urge anyone with information to contact the Gardai. Not that it would help, though. Because the Government has signed the Treaty of Mars behind the packs of the people of Ireland, thus violating our sovereignty and making us slaves to intelligent life on other planets. In addition, the passing of the anti-parents referendum in November secretly gave aliens free reign to Martians, Venuvians, Nabooites and Calliopticonians to adopt Irish children without the consent of their parents. The traitors  who signed this into law should be forced out of office as enemies of Ireland!

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