Monday 28 January 2013

Children abducted by UFO in Dublin

Two children were abducted from the Clondalkey area by two aliens yesterday. According to eyewitnesses, one was green with one eye, the other looked like a cross between R2-D2 and a Dalek. Their parents urge anyone with information to contact the Gardai. Not that it would help, though. Because the Government has signed the Treaty of Mars behind the packs of the people of Ireland, thus violating our sovereignty and making us slaves to intelligent life on other planets. In addition, the passing of the anti-parents referendum in November secretly gave aliens free reign to Martians, Venuvians, Nabooites and Calliopticonians to adopt Irish children without the consent of their parents. The traitors  who signed this into law should be forced out of office as enemies of Ireland!

More than horse meat going into burgers

Yes, that's right, you heard me. The Smurfs want you to think that it is only a bit of horse meat going into the burgers you buy in the supermarket or order in a fast-food restaurant. Yet their plot to destroy Ireland's food industry is far more sinister than that. You see, McDonald's is part of the New World Order, whose aim is to enslave mankind in order to advance their own selfish interests. That's why you often see Masonic symbols carved onto your Big Mac. Yet that is not what I am talking about here. Rather, McDonald's are adding an invisible mind control sauce into their burgers. You cannot see it, smell it or taste it, because they don't want you to. Yet this sauce contains millions of tiny Smurfs who are just waiting to work their way up your digestive system so they can eat your brains out. From then on, you are nothing more than a mindless addict programmed to buy McDonald's products and powerless to challenge Smurfs, Freemasons and the NWO. Remember, RTE will tell you only what the NWO want you to hear...

Sunday 27 January 2013

Rupert Murdoch promoting Smurfery via the media

Sir John Major, formerly the prime minister of Britain, has confirmed on oath Rupert Murdoch's use of his media influence to manipulate democratic governments.This will add fuel to conspiracy theories about Smurfish control of the media and politics, as well as controlling the flow of information to the general public. Conspiracy theorists often express concern that democracy is subverted and undermined when voting decisions are based on false or misleading information.Murdoch, a billionaire, member of the New World Order and influential supporter of the Smurfish/pro-NWO agenda, owns a vast global media empire, including newspaper and TV news operations in Britain, Fox News in the USA and many other major media companies and brands worldwide. In fact, just one of his British newspapers, The Sun, is read by more people than all of the broadsheets combined, giving him sufficient influence to affect the result of a democratic election. It's noteworthy that news and opinion from his media outlets tend to serve the needs of the Smurfish agenda, for example supporting and justifying military action against enemies of the NWO, including authentic nationalists in Ireland. Anyone who watches Sky is allowing the Smurfs to turn themselves invisible, jump out of the screen and eat your brains out, leaving you powerless except to do their evil bidding. You have been warned.

Welcome to our site

The Gaelo-Catholic Observer aims to provide objective news to the people of Ireland, something which is heavily lacking in the pseudo-British media in Ireland. The same media ignore very important things that every Irishman should and must know about the world. These are:

  • The world is overrun by Smurfs, which aim to impose their collectivist and anti-Nationalist mindset upon the whole of humanity.
  • The republican patriots trying to conquer that part of Ireland that is rightfully ours.
  • Catholicism and Irish Nationalism are inseperable, regardless of what the West Brit Brandsma Review  will tell you.
  • Pro-life "extremism" is exactly what is needed at this critical time for the unborn.
  • The New World Order of businessmen and politicians is collaborating with the Smurfs in order to create a pan-European government, in which Nationalists will be shot without mercy.
  • The Holy See have been taken over by Smurfs cocooned inside the shells of top-ranking Cardinals in order to pervert true Catholicism so it can embrace Smurfery's multi-culti ideals.
Presenting these much-needed truths to the Irish people is our excellent team of writers:

  • Robbie McRae is veteran patriot of the IRA South Armagh brigade, which helped keep the evil Brits out of their own territory.
  • Kevin Corbett, author of the inspirational book The National Way Backwards, about our need to look back to the past in order to move into the future.
  • In addition, we are delighted to be able to support the O'Neachtain family as they aim to set up Real Youth Defence, as the original has sadly fallen to Smurfish political correctness.
  • More authors may be added as time progresses, while we will also be providing you with the REAL news, (not the D4 version you see on TV), and advertisments without which we would be unable to survive. Feature posting will start in earnest tomorrow, until then we leave you with some news stories.